InDEStruct workshop

Event Schedule:
The first ever InDEStruct workshop was organized on 15-17 Sept 2021. This interdisciplinary workshop covered topics on material science, vibrations and optimization with a focus on Heat Exchanger design.
This event is organised by InDEStruct and is focused on three main topics: additive manufacturing, vibrations and optimisation. The workshop will be held online from 15-17 Sept 2021 and consists of seminars from researchers and collaborators within InDEStruct and guest speakers from invited institutions. It is aimed at postgraduate students and researchers from the academia or industry working on these topics and it is free for all participants.
This 3-day event is split according to the three main themes as follows:
Day 1 (15th of September 2021) Additive Manufacturing
The day will focus on topics concerning investigation of additively manufactured material properties. A brief introduction of the cutting-edge research facility at the University of Southampton would be provided. Participants can expect to learn about the recent research on topics including the fatigue behaviour, microstructure and surface roughness characterisation of additively manufactured materials such as Inconel-718 and 316L Stainless Steel.
Day 2 (16th of September 2021) Vibrations
This day counts on guest speakers and presentations from within InDEStruct on a variety of contemporary topics within Vibrations. Participants can expect to learn and stay up to date with topics such as wave and finite element analysis, damage detection, digital twin and dynamic modelling and testing of industrial components.
Day 3 (17th of September 2021) Optimisation
On this day, participants will learn about recent recearch in various optimisation methods that are deployed on engineering systems during their design process in order to improve their efficiency. One can expect to learn about approaches, and future trends in contemporary topics ranging from topology optimisation, multi-fidelity optimisation as well as optimisation using machine learning methods.
InDEStruct is a European Union funded project of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. The project is driven by the need for more efficient & lower emission engine systems. Heat exchangers in engines have been identified as a key enabling technology for low-emission power systems that is vital to the EU economy and is of great societal concern. Development of high-performance heat exchangers is a complex engineering challenge requiring academic contributions at the forefront of engineering science. Having identified charge air cooling as a key enabling technology for low-emission power systems, here we propose an integrated approach to doctoral training in the area of engineering design leading to four doctorates covering diverse aspects of their mechanical engineering: structural vibration, stress & thermal analysis, additive manufacturing (AM), multifunctional metamaterials, fatigue & materials development.
The project started in 2018 and is coordinated by the University of Southampton (UK) and Vestas aircoil (Denmark). It also counts with a network of industrial and academic partners from both countries. For more information, visit